By Scott Kramer
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved drinking root beer. As an adult, however, I know any kind of soda is generally not good for me. Mostly because of the sugar. So I’ve really tried tapering it out of my diet the past 15 years. And we try to keep our kids away from it, as well. It can be tough, though, as it’s kind of an addiction.
But we recently got SodaStream’s latest machine, Aqua Fizz, that carbonates ordinary tap water and lets you add syrups that are not nearly as bad for you as the processed pops you find on store shelves.
Mind you, I have seen SodaStream machines in stores but have never stopped to look at them other than in passing. But having this machine for a week so far has really changed my mind. Not on sodas — I still think canned sodas are bad for you. But on carbonated water. The Aqua Fizz may already be my new favorite gadget. First of all, it’s a simplistic design. There are no batteries. No plugs. Nothing to figure out. I removed it from the box, screwed in the CO2 cylinder, and made my first carafe of carbonated water — all within maybe three minutes. And that included two minutes of washing out the carafe. It’s a very easy process.
Once you load a glass carafe of water in the cradle — the machine comes with two empty carafes, by the way — you just lock it into place with a turn of the handle and press down the carbonation pump once or twice real quick until you hear it whoosh with air. That’s it. Out comes a bottle full of fizzy water that you can add syrup to, if you want (you buy that separately) or just close with the included cap. I have to say that I surprisingly just enjoy drinking the carbonated water as is. The only thing it contains besides water is air. No sugar, additives or anything bad for you.
The other nice surprise is that since the carbonated water is kind of a novelty to me, I find I keep drinking more glasses of it. Not only does it taste good, but it’s refreshing. More water is good for you. Apparently I’m not alone. SodaStream officials cite a survey from a few years ago that among 3,680 American adults with a SodaStream device consume 43 percent more water and water-based drinks than those without one. That equates to each person drinking roughly three more glasses of water per day. I also find that when I go to the fridge for a drink, I’m now passing on juice for the carbonated water. Hopefully this healthy habit will continue.
I admit I did go buy a bottle of SodaStream root beer syrup — y’know, to fully test the product. So I’ve been indulging in that, too. But with a lot less guilt than when I drink canned root beer. Add in that using this machine helps out the environment by eliminating us buying cans and plastic bottles, and my guilt further diminishes.
Scott Kramer is veteran, Southern California-based writer primarily versed in golf and personal technology. Studying Computer Sciences in college, and then working as a programmer/software engineer for about a decade, triggered my passion for today’s high-end, high-tech gadgets. I can’t help myself whenever I see any kind of cool new personal technology. I feel compelled to further check it out and see what it’s all about. And even if I have no use for it personally, I’m always thinking who it might best suit. There are exciting new innovations emerging daily that are shaping the future and simplifying life. And I hope to be your eyes to that world, through the words of this column.